“Going global Beyond Korea’s number one, HITEJINRO is grateful for your support.”
Hite Beer and Jinro have led the history of modern alcoholic beverages in Korea.
Jinro, established with purely domestic capital, and Hite Beer, the
first domestic brewer, have grown to the top liquor company in
Korea in touch with customers in joy and sorrow, with quality and
customer satisfaction being the top values.
HITEJINRO, the top maker of both beer and soju in Korea, exports
its products to 50 countries worldwide. Hite Beer and Jinro
merged as HITEJINRO Co., Ltd. and realized the grand dream of
‘Go Global beyond Korea’s Number One’, turning ‘Hite’ and
‘Chamisul’ into global brands.
Liquor in life and culture
Until now, HITEJINRO is fostering stronger bonds with customers
to help promote their new life style along with social initiatives
including diverse corporate social responsibilities and support for
culture and sports activities. The future is for those who believe in
dreams coming true. We are striving to fulfill our dreams of going
global and assure you that HITEJINRO quality and service will
continue to be the finest anywhere.
Thanks for your enduring support.