ESG Safety and Health Management
HITEJINRO declares safety and health management policies, prioritizing safety and health.
Safety and health management system in place
(ISO 45001)
HITEJINRO has obtained ISO 45001, the international standard for the systematic operation of the safety and health management system.
We establish strategies and goals with the safety and health of our employees and business partners as our highest priority, and we endeavor to consistently improve our safety and health system based on the PDCA cycle.
※ Certified as of December 11, 2015 -
FSSC 22000
Food Safety System Certification 22000
국제식품안전협회(GFSI)의 승인을 받은 글로벌 표준으로, ISO 22000을 기반으로 ISO/TS 22002-1, 우수제조기준(GMP),
위해요소 중점관리기준(HACCP) 등 다양한 요건을 체계적으로 반영한 식품안전경영시스템 -
ISO 22000
사업장에서 발생할 수 있는 식품위해요소를 사전에 예방ㆍ관리하는 자율적인 식품 안전 관리 시스템